Beach Park Rules

The Raymond L. Lutgert Beach Park was deeded to the Park Shore Association by the Lutgert family in 1978.  The Beach Park is a magnificent 200 ft, 2.7-acre private beachfront parcel owned by the Park Shore Association for the enjoyment of its members.

The sculpture “Aspiration” by Raymond L. Lutgert is situated within the park, a generous contribution made by the Lutgert family in 2011.

The entrance to the Park Shore Beach is shared with the adjacent condominium owners. There are two lanes as you approach the security guard house. The left-hand lane is for Park Shore association members. The right-hand lane is for the condominium residents only.

Please adhere to the following beach park rules:

  • Admittance by car, bike or on foot requires your valid Park Shore private membership pass.
  • A bike rack at the park is provided. All bikes should be parked and locked at the bike rack.
  • Service animals permitted. All other animals including emotional service dogs are not permitted.
  • As a security measure, please keep your cars locked, with valuables in the trunk.
  • Fires, cooking, or camping are not permitted.
  • Skateboards, roller skates or roller blading are not permitted.
  • Buses, campers, or trailers are not permitted.
  • Please deposit trash in the containers located in the parking lot.
  • Private Events: The Park Shore Association Beach Park is for enjoyment of all members and as such private events held at the park are limited to no more than 20 people, hosted by a member, with consideration given to others using the park, and without any outside equipment (tents, caterers, grills, music, etc.). Requests for small gatherings of no more than 20 people should be email to two (2) weeks in advance of a private event for approval.
  • The Beach Park is open from dawn to dusk. 
  • For illness, injury, or vandalism, call 911.


Beach Park Gate House – 239-649-8231